Tuesday, August 28, 2012


How my Goblin is going so far:
Isn't it awesome, I will try to finish it tomorrow!

Monday, August 27, 2012


I am making an Inkscape of a goblin I drew a year ago in 2011, here is the picture of it I am not yet finished the graphic but I will keep you updated on it.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Graphics Page

I made a new page on some of the graphics I have made including the latest one I made of an angry manga girl.

Picture vs Graphic

I just made this Inkscape off of my original picture of a "Angry Manga Girl" that I drew a year ago

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I use a vector program called Inkscape to make logos, a vector makes it so that an image doesn't get pixelated. I also draw manga with Inkscape. Visit my pages to learn more about Inkscape.

The Hampton Classic Horse Show Contest

I entered the  The Hampton Classic Horse Show Contest
I drew a white dappled horse
Vote for me!
Here's a link

Like if you think my horse is awesome!