Sunday, October 14, 2012

4 steps to making an Inkscape

I drew this a while ago but I'm going to use this as example for making an Inkscape of it.

1. Go to Inkscape and have this in your background to copy directly off of because it is easier that way unless you want to challenge yourself.

2. As you notice this picture isn't perfect, the eyes are lopsided and the neck is weirdly skinny. So when you copy your drawing edit it as you go.

3. Once you are finished with the line art give it all the base colors before you do the shading.

4. Select a color slightly darker than the base color and do this multiple times making each layer darker to give it a sort of realism.

The Goblin on the left of this picture is an Inkscape, it is not finished because I haven't had time due to the three hours of home work I have every night, but as you see what I'm trying to say in step 4 is to use different shades of the base color. You could make only one shade and be simplistic if that's the look your going for too.

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